Thursday, November 28, 2019
Marxist Ideology Essays - Political Philosophy, Politics, Thought
Marxist Ideology "Capital is not personal, but social power and product." (Karl Marx) Karl Marx, perhaps one of the most influential philosophers in history, is widely remembered for the revolutionizing ideologies he presented in the Communist Manifesto. Marx was certainly a man of great intelligence and vision. His many visions about capitalistic development are constantly reflected in today's society. Job alienation is certainly rampant. Most individuals have a "TGIF; Monday sucks" mentality. To most people work rather than happiness is the meaning of life; nothing is ever enough?everyone wants more, More, MORE. The bourgeois are running things, as a large portion of the world's resources and wealth is in the hands of a select few. The immediate question that then comes to mind is whether this is advantageous to society. To correctly answer this deep question, one must look at the pros and cons of the socialist ideology. In theory, socialism has several observable benefits. For one, the equality of humankind presents itself as an important theme. The capitalistic bourgeois/proletariat relationship that exists is destroyed. Consequently, the exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeois is non-existent. Work now takes on a different meaning?instead of being the result of greed and necessity, work becomes a means of helping and interacting with society. In the truest form of communism, acquiring wealth is an unnecessary evil?instead society provides the individual with an adequate standard of living and vice versa. Ultimately, an ideal communist state is practically a Utopia. Marx clearly predicted that a state of Utopia would form with a transition from communism. (Marx detailed steps to reaching Utopia include: primitive socialism feudalism capitalismsocialism communism Utopia.) While communism has its benefits, the reality of reaching these benefits is literally non-existent. Even Marx predicted that this would be the case!?he said that in the presence of capitalism, communism will lose. This is a very interesting statement, and clearly implies that the socialistic ideology is not perfect. Communism is a Utopia, and therefore it arguably cannot exist. Communism calls for the cooperation of too many individuals. Everyone would have to be a productive member of society. Politicians and government officials would have to govern flawlessly. Any form of corruption could not be tolerated, as it could bring about total anarchy and downfall. In addition to these troublesome"technicalities," the idea of public goods does not always result in the desired outcome. For example, imagine the creation of a public lawnmower. As opposed to a private owner who would try to preserve the longevity of the lawnmower, the public would have no real incentive to take care of the lawnmower. Certainly, private ownership provides to the preservation of goods and resources. Also, take into consideration the status of the US public school system as compared to the US private school system. Private schools have done remarkably better at producing better results and using less money when compared to US public schools. To an extent this can also be said for private health care?in comparing England's and Canada's health care systems to that of the US. Lastly, the communist ideology destroys competition. With no competition people do not have an incentive to advance. Inferior products that lack quality and improvement are made. Inferior services that lack needed advancement?such as health care?are provided. This is not to say that this is the case with all services and products. However, without competition there is no real desire to change the norm, regardless of how good or bad it is. This would be especially damaging to advances in medicine, science, and research.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Crim Essay Example
Crim Essay Example Crim Essay Crim Essay Modelo AS-29 (Rev. Dic. 2005) Form AS-29 (Rev. Dec. 2005) Liquidador Reviewer Fecha Date IMPORTANTE: ESTA PLANILLA DEBERA RADICARSE EN O ANTES DEL 15 DE MAYO. IMPORTANT: THIS TAX RETURN SHOULD BE FILLED NO LATER THAN MAY 15TH. PLANILLA DEBE SER RADICADA EN ORIGINAL Y NO GRAPADA. RETURN MUST BE FILLED IN ORIGINAL AND NOT STAPLED ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO CENTRO DE RECAUDACION DE INGRESOS MUNICIPALES Corrector Fecha Date MUNICIPAL REVENUE COLLECTION CENTER Planilla Mueble Enmendada Amended Personal Tax Return ReturnPage 2 2 PLANILLA DE CONTRIBUCION SOBRE LA PROPIEDAD MUEBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RETURN R-3 0 ANO / YEAR SELLO DE PAGO PAYMENT STAMP Investigador Field Audited by Fecha Date T P D R-1 R-2 SOLICITUD DE EXONERACION CONTRIBUTIVA REQUEST FOR TAX EXONERATION Num. Cuenta (Seg. Soc. ) / Account No. (Soc. Sec. ) Nombre del Contribuyente / Taxpayers Name Nombre y Apellidos del Conyuge (Para casos de individuos solamente) Name and Last Name of Spouse (In case of individual only) ZIP CODE FECHA DE INICIO DE OPERACIONES DATE BEGAN OPERATIONS Dia / Day Mes / Month Ano / Year Num. Cuenta (Seg. Soc. ) / Account No. (Soc. Sec. ) Direccion Postal / Postal Address Municipio / Municipality Localizacion Industria o Negocio Principal Numero, Calle y Pueblo Location of Principal Industry or Business Number, Street and City Tel. Negocio / Business Phone _____ _____ _____ FECHA DE RECIBO DATE RECEIVED PARA USO OFICIAL / OFFICIAL USE Nombre del Negocio / Business Name SI / YES NO Cambio Direccion / Address Change Contribuyente Nuevo / New Taxpayer MUNICIPIO MUNICIPALITY CODIGO CODE (Vease Instrucciones Planilla) (See Tax Return Instructions) SI / YES NO CLASE DE CONTRIBUYENTE Y CODIGOS / TYPE OF TAXPAYER AND CODES 1. INDIVIDUO (I) INDIVIDUAL (I) CORPORACION (C) CORPORATION (C) 3. SOCIEDAD (S) PARTNERSHIP (S) COOPERATIVA (P) COOPERATIVE (P) 5. SUCESION (U) ESTATE (U) FIDEICOMISO (F) TRUST (F) 7. OTROS (O) OTHERS (O) 2. 4. 6. INDIQUE NATURALEZA DEL NEGOCIO / INDICATE KIND OF BUSINESS GRUPO I COMERCIAL GROUP I COMMERCIAL GRUPO II INDUSTRIAL GROUP II INDUSTRIAL GRUPO III V SERVICIOS GROUP III V SERVICES GRUPO IV AGRICULTURA GROUP IV AGRICULTURE GRUPO VI NEGOCIOS MIXTOS GROUP VI MIXED BUSINESS Dia / Day ESPECIFIQUE NATURALEZA DE NEGOCIO / SPECIFY KIND OF BUSINESS FECHA DE RECIBO DATE RECEIVED Mes / Month Ano / Year _____ _____ _____ PARA USO OFICIAL SOLAMENTE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LOS PAGOS POR CORREO SE ENVIARAN A LA SIGUIENTE DIRECCION: PAYMENTS SENT BY MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO: $ , , . CENTRO DE RECAUDACION DE INGRESOS MUNICIPALES MUNICIPAL REVENUE COLLECTION CENTER DIA / DAY MES / MONTH ANO / YEAR Pagado con esta Planilla / Paid with this Return PO Box 195387 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919-5387 $ , , . Pagado con Prorroga Automatica / Paid with Automatic Extension 0 FECHA DE RADICACION / DATE SUBMITTED (www. crimpr. net) 2006 2979 Modelo AS-29 (Rev. Dic. 2005) Form AS-29 (Rev. Dec. 2005) IF PERSONAL PROPERTY IS OWNED IN MORE THAN ONE MUNICIPALITY OMIT ITEMS 1 THRU 6 AND GO TO ITEM 7, (B) OF SCHEDULE A. Planilla Mueble / Pagina 2 Personal Tax Return / Page 2 SI POSEE PROPIEDAD MUEBLE EN MAS DE UN MUNICIPIO OMITA LAS PARTIDAS 1 A LA 6 Y PROCEDA DIRECTAMENTE A LA PARTIDA 7, (B) DEL ENCASILLADO A. Num. Cuenta (Seg. Soc. ) / Account No. (Soc. Sec. ) 1. VALORACION TOTAL (Encasillado C) TOTAL VALUATION (Schedule C). 2. MENOS: VALORACION EXENTA (Partida 4, Encasillado G) LESS: EXEMPT VALUATION (Item 4, Schedule G).. , , , , , , , , , , 00 $ $ $ $ $ 00 3. VALORACION BRUTA GROSS VALUATION 0 4. MENOS: VALORACION EXONERADA (Partida 2, Encasillado H) LESS: EXONERATED VALUATION (Item 2, Schedule H) 00 5. VALORACION SUJETA A CONTRIBUCION VALUATION SUBJECT TO TAX. 6. MUNICIPIO MUNICIPALITY CODIGO CODE (Vease Instrucciones Planilla) (See Tax Return Instructions) (Vease Instrucciones Planilla) (See Tax Return Instructions). 0 TIPO CONTRIBUTIVO TAX RATE_____________________________________________________ 7. CONTRIBUCION DETERMINADA (Seleccione solo una alternativa) TAX DETERMINED (Select only one Alternative) . ENCASILLADO A / SCHEDULE A A) PROPIEDAD EN UN SOLO MUNICIPIO (Multiplique la partida 5 por la 6 de este Encasillado) PROPERTY IN ONLY ONE MUNICIPALITY (Multiply item 5 by item 6 this schedule) B) PROPIEDAD EN MAS DE UN MUNICIPIO. Especif ique Cantidad ________ (Incluya Modelo AS. 29. 1, Vease Linea 79) PROPERTY IN MORE THAN ONE MUNICIPALTY. Specify Quantity ________ (Include Form AS. 9. 1. I, See Line 79) 8. MENOS 5% DESCUENTO (Determine el 5% de la partida 7 si paga total y no mas tarde del 15 de mayo) LESS 5% DISCOUNT (Compute 5% of item 7 if payment in full and not later than may 15). $ $ $ $ , , , , , , , , . . . . 9. MAS: A) Intereses___________________ B) Recargos___________________ C) Penalidad____________________ PLUS: Interest Surcharges Penalty 10. ESTA ES SU RESPONSABILIDAD CONTRIBUTIVA (Reste o sume las lineas 8 o 9 de la linea 7) TAX LIABILITY (Substract or add item 8 or 9 from line 7). 11. MENOS: IMPORTE PAGADO LESS: AMOUNT PAID A) CON ESTA PLANILLA WITH THIS RETURN B) CON PRORROGA AUTOMATICA WITH AUTOMATIC EXTENSION $ $ , , , , , . . , C) CREDITO POR PAGO EN EXCESO DE ANOS ANTERIORES CREDIT FOR TAX OVERPAID OF PRECEDING YEARS $ (SOMETA EVIDENCIA) (INCLUDE EVIDENCE) . $ , , , , . . 12. BALANCE (No mayor de cero para acogerse al descuento. Si el balance es negativo traslade a partida 13 de este encasillado) BALANCE (No greater than zero in order to be entitled to the discount. If balance is negative tranfer it to item 13 of this schedule) 13. CONTRIBUCION PAGADA EN EXCESO AMOUNT OF TAX OVERPAID A) ACREDITAR A LA CONTRIBUCION DEL ANO 20____ , _______________________________________________ TO BE CREDIT TO TAX FOR B) A REINTEGRAR__________________________________________________ _______ TO BE REFUNDED $ $ , , . (www. crimpr. net) 2006 2979 Modelo AS-29 (Rev. Dic. 2005) Form AS-29 (Rev. Dec. 2005) COMPUTOS GANANCIA BRUTA GROSS PROFIT COMPUTATION Planilla Mueble / Pagina 3 Personal Tax Return / Page 3 Num. Cuenta (Seg. Soc. ) / Account No. (Soc. Sec. ) ANO FINALIZADO EN __________ 20 _____ YEAR ENDED $ 00 VENTAS BRUTAS O INGRESOS POR SERVICIOS GROSS SALES OR INCOME FROM SERVICES ENCASILLADO B / SCHEDULE B MENOS / LESS: Descuentos en ventas Discount on sales.. $ Devoluciones y rebajas en ventas Sales returns and allowances.. $ Otros / Others_____________________ $ 00 00 00 $ 00 VENTAS NETAS O INGRESOS POR SERVICIOS / NET SALES OR INCOME FROM SERVICES.. MENOS / LESS: COSTO DE VENTAS / COST OF GOOD SOLD: Inventario Inicial / Beginning Inventory $ Mas / Plus: Compras Netas / Net Purchases: $ Sub-Total. $ Menos / Less: Inventario Final / Ending Inventory $ $ , 00 00 00 00 , , 00 COSTO DE VENTAS / COST OF GOOD SOLD INGRESO BRUTO (Ventas Netas menos Costo de Ventas) GROSS PROFIT ON SALES(Net Sales less Cost of Good Sold) $ $ , , 00 00 Costo de Ventas / Cost of Sales Ventas / Sales Costo de las ventas / Cost of Sales: (____________________________ ? ________________________) igual al / equal _______% para usarse / to be used en la columna (3) Ventas al Costo, Seccion 2 del Modelo AS-29. 3 / in column (3) Sales at Cost, Section 2, Form AS-29. 3. I RESUMEN DE VALORACION DE LA PROPIEDAD TRIBUTABLE, EXENTA Y EXONERADA VALUATION SUMMARY OF TAXABLE, EXEMPT AND EXONERATED PROPERTY ENCASILLADO C / SCHEDULE C 1. Efectivo en caja / Cash on Hand . Inversiones / Investments. . $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3. Inventarios / Inventories. 4. Materiales y Efectos / Materials and Supplies. 5. Maquinaria y Equipo / Machinery and Equipment. 6. Mejoras / Improvements 7. Cualquier Otra Propiedad Tributable / Any Other Taxable Property TOTAL (Traslade al Encasillado A, partida 1 o al Modelo AS-29-1, Columna 2, segun sea el caso) TOTAL (Transfer to Schedule A, item 1 or Form AS-29-1. I, Column 2, as the case may be ) ENCASILLADO D / SCHEDULE D PROPIEDAD MUEBLE SUJETA A CONTRIBUCION PERTENECIENTE A OTROS EN PODER DEL CONTRIBUYENTE, SUMINISTRE DESGLOSE (Propiedad arrendada, Inventarios consignados, etc. ) TAXABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY BELONGING TO OTHERS IN HAND OF THE TAXPAYER, COMPLETE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE (Leased property, consigned inventories, etc) Clase de Propiedad / Type of Property Dueno y Direccion / Owner and Address $ $ $ Valor de la Propiedad / Value of Property Arrendada o en Consignacion / Leased or Consigned ENCASILLADO E / SCHEDULE E INFORMACION MANDATORIA PARA CORPORACIONES / MANDATORY INFORMATION FOR CORPORATIONS INFORMACION ADICIONAL: Numero de Acciones Comunes _______________ y Preferidas _______________ Poseidas por Residentes en P. R. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Number of Common Share _______________ and Preferred _______________ Owned by Puerto Rico residents. Nombre de Directores y Oficiales Name of Officers and Directors Capacidad Oficial Official Title Direccion Postal Postal Address Num. No. Calle Street Fecha de Expiracion del Termino Date of Expiration of Terms (www. crimpr. net) 2006 2979 Modelo AS-29 (Rev. Dic. 005) Form AS-29 (Rev. Dec. 2005) JURAMENTOS / OATHS Planilla Mueble / Pagina 4 Personal Tax Return / Page 4 Num. Cuenta (Seg. Soc. ) / Account No. (Soc. Sec. ) I- INDIVIDUOS, SUCESIONES, FIDEICOMISOS Y OTROS CONTRIBUYENTES O AGENTES EN SU CARACTER INDIVIDUAL O REPRESENTATIVO INDIVIDUALS, ESTATES, TRUSTS AND OTHER TAXPAYER OR AGENTS AS AN INDIVIDUAL OR REPRESENTATIVE CHARACTER Declaro bajo las penalidades de perjurio que he examinado esta planilla, incluyendo los Estados Financieros y Anejos que se acompanan, y que segun mi mejor informacion y creencia, es cierta, correcta y completa. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this return, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to my best knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete return. Nombre en letra de molde / Print name Fecha / Date Firma del Contribuyente o Agente / Signature of Taxpayer or Agent Direccion del Agente / Address of Agent II- CORPORACIONES, SOCIEDADES Y COOPERATIVAS CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS AND COOPERATIVES ENCASILLADO F / SCHEDULE F NOSOTROS, los infrascritos, presidente (o vicepresidente u otro oficial principal) y tesorero (o tesorero auxiliar), o agente de la corporacion o socio gestor o agente de la sociedad a nombre de la cual se hace esta planilla, separada y debidamente juramentada, cada uno por si declara que esta Planilla de Contribucion sobre Propiedad Mueble (incluyendo los anejos y estados que le acompanan) ha sido examinada por el y es, segun su mejor informacion y creencia, una planilla exacta, correcta y completa para el ano contributivo indicado, hecha de buena fe, de acuerdo con las disposiciones de la Ley Num. 3 de agosto de 1991, segun enmendada y los Reglamentos promulgados para su ejecucion. WE, the undersigned, president, (or vicepresident or other principal officer) and treasurer or (assistant treasurer), or agent of the corporation or managing partner or agent of the partnership for which this return is made, being severally duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that this return ( including any accompanying schedules and statements) has been examined by him and is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true, correct, and complete return, made in good faith, for the taxable year stated, pursuant to Act. 3 of August 30, 1991, as amended, and the Regulations issued thereunder. Presidente o Vice-Presidente o Socio Gestor President or Vice-President or Managing Partner (Indique Titulo) (State Title) Tesorero o Tesorero Auxiliar Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer (Indique titulo) (State Title) Agente / Agent Affidavit Num. / No. Jurado y suscrito ante mi por Sworn and subscribe before me by , mayor de edad, de ocupacion of legal age, occupation y vecino de SELLO NOTARIAL NOTARIAL SEAL and resident of , y por and by , mayor de edad, de ocupacion of legal age, occupation y vecino de and resident of personalmente conocidos por mi, en ersonally known to me, at , Puerto Rico, a Puerto Rico, this de day of de 20 of 20 Titulo Oficial / Official Title Firma del Oficial que toma el juramento Signature of Officer Administering Oath III- INDIVIDUOS, SOCIEDADES, COOPERATIVAS, SUCESIONES, FIDEICOMISOS O CORPORACIONES PREPARADOR Y/O REVISADOR INDIVIDUALS, PARTNERSHIPS, COOPERATIVES, ESTATES, TRUSTS, OR CORPORATIONS PREPARER AND / OR REVIEWER Declaro bajo las penalidades de perjurio que he examinado esta planilla, incluyendo los Estados Financieros y Anejos que se acompanan, y que segun mi mejor informacion y creencia,es cierta, correcta y completa. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this return, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to my best knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete return. Nombre del Negocio (o el suyo propio, si es patrono independiente) / Businesss name (or yours if self employed) Direccion (Numero, Calle y Pueblo) / Address (Number, Street and City) Zip Code Numero de Seguro Social / Social Security Number ESTAMPILLA DEL COLEGIO DE CPA CPA STAMP Marque si es patrono independiente Check if self employed Preparador / Preparer: Revisador / Reviewer: Fecha / Date Firma del Revisador / Signature of Reviewer Licencia Num. / License No. Fecha / Date Firma del Preparador / Signature of Preparer (www. crimpr. net) 2006 2979 Modelo AS-29 (Rev. Dic 2005) Form AS-29 (Rev. Dec 2005) Planilla Mueble / Pagina 5 Personal Tax Return / Page 5 Num. Cuenta (Seg. Soc. ) / Account No. (Soc. Sec. ) VALORACION EXENTA EXEMPT VALUATION DECRETO NUM. __________________ DECREE NO. 1. Ley Num. 57 del 13 de junio de 1963, segun enmendada Act. No. 57 of June 13, 1963, as amended FECHA DE EFECTIVIDAD_______________________ FECHA DE EXPIRACION __________________ EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE A) Valoracion totalmente exenta Totally Exempt Valuation.. (IN57T) $ (IN57P) 00 00 00 00 $ B) Valoracion sujeta a exencion parcial Valuation subject to partial exemption.. C) Porciento de exencion (Vease Decreto) Percentage of exemption (Refer to Decree) D) Valoracion exenta (Multiplique partida 1 B por 1 C) Exempt Valuation (Multiply item 1 B by 1 C). ENCASILLADO G / SCHEDULE G E) Total de Exencion (Partidas 1 A + 1 D). Total Exemption (Items 1 A + 1 D) 00 2. Ley Num. 26 del 2 de junio de 1978, segun enmendada y Ley Num. 8 del 24 de enero de 1987, segun sea el caso Act. No. 26 of June 2 1978, as amended and Act. No. 8 of January 24, 1987 as the case may be DECRETO NUM. __________________ DECREE NO. FECHA DE EFECTIVIDAD_______________________ EFFECTIVE DATE FECHA DE EXPIRACION __________________ EXPIRATION DATE A) Valoracion total cubierta por decreto (Vease Instrucciones Planilla) Total valuation covered by decree (See Tax Return Instructions) B) Menos exencion Sec. 3 (b) (4) No aplica a la Ley Num. 8 del 24 de enero de 1987 Less exemption Sec. 3 (b) (4) Do not apply to Act. No. 8 of January 24, 1987 (IN26T) $ 00 00 00 00 00 $ $ INC8P) o / or (IN26P) C) Valoracion sujeta a exencion parcial Valuation subject to partial exemption .. D) Porciento de exencion (Vease decreto) Percentage of exemption (Refer to decree).. E) Valoracion exenta (Multiplique partida 2 C por 2 D) Exempt Valuation (Multiply items 2 C by 2 D). F) Total de Exencion (Partidas 2 B + 2 E) Total of Exemption (Items 2 B + 2 E).. . Otras exenciones (Especifique) Others Exemptions (Specify)__________________________________________________________ 4. Valoracion exenta. [Su me las partidas 1 E + 2 F +3 y traslade al Encasillado A, partida 2 o al Modelo AS-29. 1, columna 3 en la linea correspondiente al municipio con derecho a exencion, segun sea el caso] Exempt Valuation. [Add the items 1 E + 2 F + 3 and transfer to Schedule A, Item 2 or Form AS-29. 1. I, column 3 on the line
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Health in education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health in education - Assignment Example In order to ensure childrenââ¬â¢s good health, the role of teachers, parents, the community, and the environment cannot be underplayed. Their contribution in any way offers vital information regarding their mental, physical, emotional, and social well-being. Health education for all the stakeholders; students, parents, teachers, and health professional is essential. This helps equip everyone with necessary information concerning procedures, steps to be taken, and ideal safety measures that need to be observed so that good health for children is ensured. Whatever observations have been made concerning the health of a child by the teacher, parent, or community is vital and essential in identifying changes in the health status of a child. More often than not, teachers and parents refer these types of illnesses and many others to the appropriate health professionals such as counselors. Counseling is a vital component of the coordinated early childhood health since it helps address health issues such as trauma, stress disorders, etc. Counseling can also help families appreciate and understand the need for professional health care especially in circumstances that they do not seem to see the need. As noted earlier, the community, parents, and teachers are only observers and cannot in any way attempt to diagnose the health problems of a child. This is where health services come in handy since it is the responsibility for health practitioners to diagnose and recommend proper actions.
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